"Ciemny, a jednocześnie dający mi spokój, ciszę. Coś jak – OK, teraz stop,
daj sobie chwilę przerwy, weź kilka głębokich oddechów, wycisz umysł"

Last year at one of the shows I noticed a woman gazing quietly at my paintings.
She looked at me with tears in her eyes and whispered:
'All I can say is thank you… For painting your soul and putting it on this wall'.
Knowing that my art reaches people's souls and hearts is everything to me. I didn’t even know it was possible. I was just… painting.
My art journey is very closely related to my healing process that began in 2021 with a severe depression diagnosis. I never knew I could paint (I’m an architect), until one winter day, when I felt a sudden unputdownable urge to paint, paint fast, five - six paintings at the same time, with large brushes, with thick layers, canvas after canvas after canvas. Art exploded through my arms, and at the same moment my eyes opened. It felt as if I’d never seen a sky before, and I got absolutely obsessed with clouds, fog, water and mountains, Payne’s Grey, Titanium White and Buff Titanium.
After 2 months I sold my first batch of landscape paintings.
In march 2021 I opened my Instagram account and in 6 months reached 1k followers, selling around 50 original paintings in the first year of my art journey.
After a couple of months I quit my job to become a full-time artist.
In 2022 I was invited by a Heart of a Tribe Art Gallery in Glastonbury to become one of their Core Artists
and to run a solo exhibition in June 2023 in their gallery.
I'm also running a growing community on Instagram, talking openly about mental health.

What I create, both with words and paint, demonstrates the coexistence of darker moments
of our lives and the brightness of hope and peace.
Of truth, love and freedom.